Our DMC 100SS 1″ mechanically seamed metal roof system is built with high-quality materials and has over a century of proven performance. It’s perfect for both light commercial and residential use, and its smartly detailed profile can even be curved for added architectural appeal. The panels are installed without any end laps, ensuring maximum protection from all types of weather and watertight protection for curved installations.
Single Lock (90 Degrees) Double Lock (180 Degrees)
Painted Galvalume® – 22ga, 24ga Drexlume™ – 22ga, 24ga Painted Aluminum – .032″, .040″ Copper – 16oz, 20oz Zinc – .7mm, .8mm
Factory made or field rolled to exact lengths. Options: flat panel, clip relief, striations, bead, small and large V, small and large pencil.
13”, 17” and 21” Drexel Metals design pressures, wind uplifts and test reports are for specific deck attachments, material gauges, clip spacing and panel widths.
Minimum slope 2:12
2:12 – low roof pitch
Can be installed over plywood decking with approved underlayments. Please see Drexel Metals installation details for complete information.
Drexel Metals test reports are for specific attachments, material gauges, clip spacing and panel widths. A complete specification and listing is available. Contact the Drexel Metals Technical Department for single and double lock specific testing information.
35 year non pro-rated PVDF Paint Warranty High-performance painted metal roofing product, carefully tensioned leveled for superior flatness.
Mill finished Galvalume® with a two-sided, clear acrylic finish.
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